Yeast Free Pizza

  • 2 Cups Plain Flour
  • 2 Tsp Baking Power
  • 6 TBS Olive Oil
  • 2/3 Cup Milk
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until they start to form a dough ball. If it does not combine add a touch more milk.
  • Once you have a ball, take it out of the bowl, pour a little olive oil on the bench and spread it round.
  • SLAM the dough ball on the bench into the middle of the oil and start to need the ball.
  • Do this for approx. 5 minutes. Take your frustrations out on this poor dough ball.
  • Spread out onto a pizza tray.
  • Take a fork and stab the newly formed pizza base a lot.
  • Place in oven and bake at 210C for approx. 10 minutes.
  • Take pizza base out of oven and cover with variety of toppings.
  • Put back in and bake for a further 30-40 minutes, until toppings cooked and the base is golden brown.
Try Spaghetti with origanum mixed in